Emilia Chuina Tomazeli and Bionanoplus published the Transcriptome Metabolic Characterization of Tuber Borchii SP1 Bionanoplus held the final meeting of the ASINA project in Castelbrando (Italy).

Emilia Chuina Tomazeli defends her thesis entitled ‘Isolation of a new Tuber borchii strain and characterization of its transcriptomics and volatile compounds profile in vitro cultures’.

Last February 9th, our colleague Emilia Chuina Tomazeli defended her PhD thesis entitled ‘Isolation of a new Tuber borchii and characterization of its transcriptomics and volatile compounds profile in vitro cultures’.

From the Bionanoplus team we would like to congratulate her for these more than 3 years of intense work.

We would like to thank the grant awarded by the #GobiernodeNavarra for the completion of his Industrial PhD and the team of Prof. Dr. Antonio G. Pisabarro of Genetics and Microbiology of the #UPNA.

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